lDk LIFE SYSTEM is developed from lDk Software and consists in a tailored creation of a Web 2.0 platform, 100 % customized, with improvements designed and implemented to meet the specific needs of the client.
The work methodology with our clients is:
The analysis of the institution/company, its projects and its challenges in the medium and long term, are an essential part of the project development. The work as a whole, and the shared knowledge, before the development of solutions, allow us to identify the real needs and objectives, to project and develop a suitable specific solution for the client.
We design development solutions, concepts and proposals, thanks to a detailed analysis to identify needs and objectives, in total synergy with the client work team.
We develop the technological solutions through the most appropriate technologies, which optimize the development time, ensuring the high quality of the final product, its maintenance and continuous update.
From the publication of these online contents, the client can start managing their own Web, catalog and all its contents with full autonomy and continue editing, creating and modifying unlimited content, thanks to the COURSE taught by lDk and the included TUTORIAL.
Comprehensive management of the information
lDk allows the management, the editing, the design and the online reconversion of the client online content, adapting it to a new management and use of the information, that can be permanently updated.
2.0 Files, Catalogues, Product lines
lDk allows the organization, coordination, implementation and research of multimedia content. From lDk you can create new files and interactive tours that introduce the user to the content, works and products from innovative, thematic and conceptual, points of view.
2.0 Websites
The software makes easier the creation of different types of Websites 2.0 (Microwebs) and open networks for users, both public and private, fully adapted to the corporate image of the client.
Content Geolocation
lDk Software uses the new content geolocation service through the use of Files/Microwebs 2.0 creating networks, files, collections, products lines, catalogs and publications from GoogleMaps, to enhance original geospatial approaches.
Constantly updated
The daily information (News, Calendar, Events...) can be permanently updated, in a easy way and with a versatile design.
Concept maps, networks and virtual offices
The creation of Concept Maps on GoogleMaps, personalized for each client, in the different areas of knowledge and production. This service allows the client to manage Virtual Offices, from maps on GoogleMaps.
2.0. Expositions and Events
This service provides the sustainability over time, constantly updating the information, making the preservation and dissemination of the contents easier, outside the temporary and physical limitations of temporal and face-to- face exhibitions and events.
Education and Training
The client can self-manage infinite Microwebs 2.0, for the scheduled training and participated activities, creating a 2.0 multimedia file of materials and contents, open to the community of users, students, further education centers, schools or universities.
2.0 Catalogues and Publications
Allows editing 2.0 online publications, where each page is a 2.0 multimedia tool, 100% self-manageable and updatable in real time. The publications, catalogs, files and products lines, can be open to the user, accessing them safely.